The Insights Homepage

Use the Insights homepage to understand how site speed drives conversion rates, and how your site compares to industry averages.

The page includes the following graphs and metrics: 




Average Page Load Time

The average onload timeClosed the time it takes for the initial HTML document to load with all stylesheets, images, and subframes. At this point, the page is usually interactive to users. "Onload time" is equal to the high-resolution timestamp returned by the PerformanceNavigationTiming.loadEventEnd property. for pages across your site. Click to open the Performance Dashboard. Click to open the Web Vitals Dashboard.

Average Page Load Time (Mobile)

The average onload time for pages across your site on mobile devices. Click to open the Performance by Device dashboard. Click to open the Performance by Device dashboard.

Total Page Views

The number of times shoppers have viewed pages on your site over the past seven days, or the selected time period. Click to open the Traffic Dashboard. Click to open the Traffic Dashboard.

Third Parties on Your Site

The number of third parties detected on your site over the past seven days or the selected time period. Click to open the Service Flow Dashboard.

Page Load Time (graph)

Shows how your optimized and unoptimized onload time has changed over the past seven days, or the selected period.

Third Parties with the Most Page Delay Violations

Shows the ten third parties causing the highest number of page delay violationsClosed When a resource that loads before onload takes longer than a set number of milliseconds to load. on your site. Click the table title to open the Performance Inventory page, where you can see more information about each third party.

Page Load Time by Device Category (Last 7 Days)

Shows page load time for mobile, desktop, and tablet devices. Click the table title to open the Web Vitals Dashboard.

Page Load Time by Page Category (Last 7 Days)

Shows page load time for different page categories. Click the table title to open the Web Vitals Dashboard.